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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Solution for decreasing Weight, Belly or excess cholesterol, excess fat's at a particular location: Including diet. - Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Naturopathy teachings

Solution for decreasing Weight,  Belly or excess cholesterol, excess fat's at a particular location: Including diet.
Cause for developed Cholesterol:
   Belly or excess fat at different parts of body is developed because of the excess of energy given to the body. Excess energy is then converted in cholesterol.
   The energy which you give to your body should be balanced with the work you do. Excess energy, vitamins, salts etc., which are given to the body are not necessary to the body and those stuff is declared as waste.
   Now all the waste is to be excreted from the body. This excretion of waste is done by using urine, motion  and sweat.
   This Process of excretion takes place while proper rest given to our body.
   If the waste is not excreted then it is stored in the body in the form of excess FAT's and cholesterol etc.,
* So more amount of water is to be taken to excrete the waste or the waste which we take should be reduced.

To Decrease grown Belly or Cholesterol at respective organs:
*  More water should be taken.
R: To excrete the Cholesterol from the body.

*  Less energy producing foods are to be taken
Ex: sprouts, Parota  instead of rice, avoiding sweets.
* And more amount of energy is to be utilized. And if energy is not sufficient to our body then the energy is retrieved from the stored Cholesterol. Ex: Belly. Also avoid eating before sleeping
*   This is done mostly while giving rest to the body. So rest to body is very important and necessary for efficiency of the body.

*  More strain should be applied on the body where Cholesterol content is more and where the cholesterol is to be utilized.
Ex: By doing simple yoga and applying more strain to particular body parts or by cleaning floor of house with groom stick, washing clothes  etc.,  some simple work make us fit and healthy.

* And more fiber food and foods which contain anti-cholesterol substitutes should be taken to reduce excess cholesterol.
Ex: Fiber foods like carrots and all vegetables mainly leafy-vegetables. Anti-Cholesterol foods like sprouts and leafy-vegetables.

Yoga by Baba Ram dev for stomach

All the Best...!!!

Anonymous said...
Hai sir..This is rammohan,i am 27 years old,I am your follower,my weight is 75, i need to reduce 10kgs, so can i eat fruits and vegetables instead of pulkas for morning and evening,
is it suggestible?

All the Best...!!!

 - by Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Sir's Follower PetLover-Prudhvi


  1. sir my age was 24yr weight 89 kgs plz advice me hw can i reduse my weigh and i hvng more thighs and having more stomch fat sir plz gv me advise about diet nd yoga ,exercise........
    my email id z arvindankati@gmail.com

  2. diet, decreasing stomach are mentioned above already
    and i'll attach yoga above........
    Thanks for your comment...!!!

  3. sir i had seen ur show once that u have priscribed an oil sir can u plz again what required things for the preparation of that oil which will reduces fat at particular areas when we apply i forgot how to prepare sir my oil was finished which i had prepared so plz give me the method of preparation of that oil again for which i will be thankful to u sir...

  4. sir please respond to my question.??

  5. Well I am not manthena satyanarayana raju sir and i am just a follower of manthena sir. I never heard about the oil prescribed by manthena satyanarayana raju sir.
    sorry and is that oil for internal or external use?

    and any one who know they can please comment.
    comments are well come
    thanking you.
    sorry for late response.

  6. As i know you can take the polished portion. Towdu something contains rich proteins and anti-cholesterol which helps you not to increase weight.
    taking 3/4th fruited coconut will also helps in weight loss in great extent in several cases.


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