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Monday, June 13, 2011

Burning sensation in throat after meals.. digestion problem. Solution with reason - Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Teachings in natureopathy

Vasudeva rao vasa said...

acha i've a doubt that sometimes i feel like burning sensation in the place between my neck and chest (eppudaina trenpulu vachinappudu), isn't it a sign of acidity problem, what r the precautions 2 b taken if it persists. Pls help

This is mainly caused due to lac of fiber in the food yoou take and this is not acidity problem..!!!
Reason: Highly powerful acids are produced to digest the food and thoose are easily drained through the fiber in food. So due to lac of fiber and highly hard digestive food and sppicy foods can be digested only if more powerful acids are produced and theese acids irritate the closing cap of stomach and so the food will come back to thoat. As the acids are powerful they causes burning sensation.


* Food is easily digested if it contains more fiber in it and if it is spicy food then the waste is excreted along with fiber throught stool. This is actual process wich goes on.....
** So eat more fiber food after your meals or whenever you feel burning sensation. Like carrots atleast 2. Or leafy vegetables and etc.,

* For generating more acids more water is required and if you drink more water after meals then the water mixes up with food and wasten the acids by diluting them and requirement of acids increases.
** So driunk water before half an hour you eat and drink less water while you eat and after you eat if you feel to drink......

*Pass stool regularly and there should be enough space to new stool which is created after your meal. So better to eat after passing stool by drinking more water.
** So more fiber food and water is required to pass free stool.

The major CAUSE of this problem is lac of fiber in the food and drinking more water after you eat.
So eat more FIBER food like carrots and drink water as I mentioned before.

all the best...!!!


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  3. Click Here to find your answer for polycystic ovarian syndrome.


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