Factors of cholesterol preparation:
* Due to excess of energy given to the body which is not used by the body is stored or backupped in the body as cholesterol
First food is digested and turns into energy and if the energy is not utilized the the energy is converted to cholesterol and deposited in various places of our body.
* Oils are considered as direct fats and oils go directly and store in our body without attaining the body requirements.
Oils we take were directly converted into cholesterol and stored in body. ex: under skin, in blood vessels etc., .
To avoid cholesterol:
* Eat sufficient energy giving food as you require OR increased the utilization of energy which was supplied by food.
* Avoid oiled foods which turn directly as blood cholesterol and if you take such foods better eat fiber food followed by... to minimize the cholesterol effect.
* Eat anti-cholesterol foods to avoid production cholesterol through oils.
This anti cholesterol substances are contained in all natural oiled food from which we separate and excrete oils.
For example: seasame oil (Nuvvula nuune). Seasame seeds contain anti-cholesterol materials, fiber etc., but in seasame oil the anti-cholesterol substances, calcium, fiber and all other useful ingredients were separated and useless oil is obtained. The separated substances are used again in preparing calcium tablets and for other purposes.
Note: Max Anti-cholesterol items will die or become useless on heating.
To excrete the Cholesterol in our body: To use Cholesterol:
* Give rest to body to perform cleaning and excreting cholesterol. Click here...
* Give less energy to body by eating less energy giving foods and give rest to body to retrieve or to use the back-upped or stored energy in our body in the form of cholesterol.
. * Eat foods containing anti-cholesterol materials to excrete cholesterol easily. Ex: తౌడు towdu means the manure which was separated form refined seeds(The substance which is evolved after refining seeds ex: seasome seeds. Eat that crust of fiber and vitamins excluding oil.
Very rich food food good health.
* When exercising blood travels with high-pressure, So that's the better time for excretion.
* Drink more water which enhances excretion of cholesterol and other wastes.
* Regularly maintain the stool clean and empty completely and body free of stool while sleeping to clean the cholesterol and excrete though stool.
Very rich food food good health.
* When exercising blood travels with high-pressure, So that's the better time for excretion.
* Drink more water which enhances excretion of cholesterol and other wastes.
* Regularly maintain the stool clean and empty completely and body free of stool while sleeping to clean the cholesterol and excrete though stool.
All the best...
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