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Friday, May 27, 2011

Ibs and acid reflux Solution: - Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Teachings in natureopathy

David said...

Hi, i have been diagnosed with IBS and acid reflux. i also have a flap in my esophagus that produces acid, this is a deformity and makes it more difficult to avoid high acidity as well as reflux symptoms and pain. I am researching Aryu Veda science and also trying a diet of alkaline foods but i dont know much about what to eat and when. Im looking for a organic vegetarian diet that could help me, or any other herbal steps to help reduce acidity and keep my body from inflammation that has been so, for the past years. Problem started at 11 years old, and i am now 18. if you have any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

May 26, 2011 9:08 AM
Vijay said...

I have a Acid reflux issue, then i went to endoscopy they found out that i have lower esophogus relax that causes the food coming back to throat...Can i have solution for this?


Burning sensation in throat after meals.. digestion problem. Solution with reason 



  1. Swami when i wake up morn i get motion after sometime i am getting again . if not go for second time a type of burning in stomach.....Please help me

  2. Swami when i wake up morn i get motion after sometime i am getting again . if not go for second time a type of burning in stomach.After it relief for whole day.....Please help me

  3. Click Here for your solution. Comment at one place.. I'll answer you. Need not comment same at several places...


  4. I love the way I feel right now. I now feel less anxious and less moody, I no longer struggle to get out of bed.I am so grateful to bovine thyroid supplements . It gave me my normal life back.


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