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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Eosinophilia & Sinusitis Solution

abhinva said..

I have been suffering for eosinophilia & sinusitis for the last two years.How can i get rid of this problem

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

 Eosinophilia & Sinusitis are caused due3 to the dust in lungs, nose and throa.
The infection is used to excrete all the dust or waste. So this excretion seems like a problem and if it is not excreted and the problem turns severe like this.

So you have to be  more resistant and you should increase immunity to clean yourselves and be clean, So that you can be free from this problem.

*   Sweets chocolates and other items related to sugar to be avoided.
*   Avoid to move in more dusty areas and use a cloth to cover your nose, when in dusty areas.

Click below to Read this extension post to
Increase Immunity and to know briefly 
 causes for any problem.

Abhinav said..

What diet should i follow everyday to increase immunity and how to completely control eosinophilia and sinusitis.

 AVOIDS ARE  mentioned above
For timings and diet click here

All the best......!

Cleansing body, High Blood Pressure (BP) and solution for most common problems. Process of healthy body.

 Process of healthy body - High Blood Pressure (B.P) & All other health Problems, Cleansing body

Cause of Problem:
   This is most common problem in our country.Due to high usage of salts for taste.In older days they used to take salts as pickles but they are hard workers and the excess salt which was taken by them was drained out easily and regularly in the form of sweat. So they remain healthy.
  But now a days people take the waste for taste but they are not excreting them well, so the problems arise.....

Health = (Proper inputs += Proper Outputs)

   So the excess salts and oils in the body  are wastes for body. These wastes in blood settles in blood vessels and decreases the volume of the blood vessel. So heart need to pump the blood with more pressure to serve the blood to various parts of body. So blood pressure increases so strain on heart increases, since heart is responsible to pump the blood.
   If this pressure increases then symptoms arrive showing the disability.


  Now, cleaning should begin to excrete all the wastes causing  high Blood-Pressure.
Mostly this problem is due to the excess salts which are stored in  various regions of the body which cannot be excreted.
*  If  you excrete all the wastes stored in you the you will be free from this problem.

   Sources for excretion: Sweat, Urine and Stool (Motion).

These three  outputs should work more active to make you free from this problem and many several related problems.

Procedure to Excrete wastes and to be cured from high blood pressure:

* Sweat:  This is an easy way to excrete excess salts. So drink more water daily with empty stomach (Without food) also use 2 or 3 lemons juice mixed in water and exercise more so that sweat goes out from your body. 
             Empty  stomach and lemon  water are to strengthen the process of cleaning that is excretion of wastes.
This is the process of excreting through sweat and this work efficiently in early times.

 * Urine: Drink more water mixed with lemons like above when not working hardly with body and pass urine more so that the wastes are drained out through urine. 

 * Stool: This is also one of the main source of excretion. Excrete it periodicxally ie., 2 times a day in early morning and in the evening by drinking more water at-least 2 liters and more that your capacity then it causes vomiting sensation followed by a free stool. So pass stool in this procedure twice a time. ie., morning 2 times and evening two times.

*   Keep your body active with water more the time and not with food.
*   6 hours max for digestion of food is more than enough in a day. So Eat twice a day max and if its once it will be wonderful.


   Food Plays important role for helping in excretion of wastes and to import wastes.So the food you eat is very important. 
The food you eat should be fresh creating less harmful waste and the wastes should be excreted easily.

* So the food must contain more   fiber and less wastes. So the food must contain more leafy-vegetables and fruits which contain more fiber to excrete  waste easily. By helping you to pass free motion or stool.
* The food you take must be alive. So Raw food like fruits, vegetables should be taken in more quantity, 

Eat healthy food and live healthy.

* Avoid non-vegetarian  foods, spicy foods and  other junk foods. Because they contain more salts. more dead cells due to cooking and the also leads to hormone imbalance.More un-healthy wastes are produced by these foods which increases  the problems.

* Stop eating by 6 pm evening. This is useful to increase the resistance or immunity power. Because if you stop eating then the digestive system not works then in that time you body concentrates on cleaning wastes from your body and repairing dead cells and to re-place them.

So Increase immunity first.

Click here
Increase immunity to make the process of cleaning more effective.


Anonymous said..

Dear Sir, Im recently diagnosed with BP 150/90 my age is 28 years only. I work as software engineer.Im worried to take english medicines. Can you please guide me how to keep my BP in control with out any medicines.
All the best... Be Healthy and live  healthy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fat deposition or embarrassed chest solution

Anonymous said...

Hi, my husband is 5'11" and his weight varies between 75-80. He is highly embarrassed with his chest that appears to be huge may be due to fat deposition kindly suggest a remedy to reduce the same.Thank you.
email id- ramachandra.gvv@gmail.com

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

There is lot of fat deposited in his chest. He should exercise in the substitute region that is in his chest region. to dissolve the excess fat in his chest.

Better make him to do some chest related exercises, walking and control his diet too.
Let him eat only when he require. Eat less than you require to decrease excess fats stored in you.
Increase immunity this is very important which will solve all the imbalances.

ramachandra said...

Thank you for the solution.it would be beneficial for me if you could suggest me a few chest exercises

my id:ramachandra.gvv@gmail.com

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

this problem  is caused because of excess fat stored in the body.
so the excess fat should be removed.
If you  eat less than you require then the body utilizes the stored contents in your body.
So the chest fat will be decreased automatically.
And it will take few more time but

If you utilize more energy then more fat   will be decreased and only if you not add more energy then the decreased fat will not be added again.

Strain the regions more where the excess fat is observed more. So that the fat will be decreased more in that area.
Such as push-ups, pull-ups  etc.,

All the best.......

active said...
i am suffering with overweight problem.. especially how to reduce fat in chest area..is there any exercises or Ayurveda medicine plz post to my mail
Pet Lover & Health carer said...

tailbone pain soluting tips

Mrs Padhma said...

hello doctor i fell down with great force on my buttocks while traveling by bus and that is causing terrible pain in the tail bone as the force directly acted upon the bone portion... kindly suggest me a hydrotherapy or any natural treatment that can relieve the pain
i am a working woman and i need to sit for hours during the course of my job.Hence kindly suggest me with a solution that can relieve my pain. Thank you.

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

Hydrotherapy is  good for relief.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Poly cystic ovarian syndrome and scalp ( loosing hair) all problems of hormone imbalance

Namaskaram... I am 98.8 kgs and want to lose weight. I really need your guidance. Could you please send me the link where it has the how much food/water to consume(how much and what timings) and what type of exercise to do. If I follow your methods strictly with no oil and salt, could you please let me know how long it might take for ...See More
12 hours ago ·  · 

    • Madhurya Venneti 
      orgot to mention I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome from age 13. At that time I was thin. Still I have the problem resulted in very delay in the monthly periods, hormonal imbalance, unwanted hair on the body. I have more male hormones in my body resulted in male type of body(android funnel shape) where my upper body is big compared to my lower body. I have huge bust area and also big belly. I have skin discoloration in some parts and also started losing hair on my scalp (male pattern). I have warts on foot and hand too. I am worried about my daughter too as I can see some symptoms in her.

      12 hours ago · 

    • Madhurya Venneti My height is 5 feet 6 inches
      11 hours ago · 

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

Click here for:  Weight decreasing ,
Poly cystic ovarian syndrome and scalp (loosing hair) due to Hormone imbalance Causes and remedies,
 Be natural and try to remove hormone imbalance.
To control all the above disabilities and  Problems Increasing immunity

Please comment for further doubts...

All  the best...!

Please comment for further doubts.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

anexity, panic disorder and seizure solution

Anonymous said...

Hello Sir,

I am having anexity, panic disorder and seziure . for this I am taking medicines for past 4 years. Now I ok with 70% improvement. I want to take your treatment to come out of this fully. Can you please tell me how to join your treatment and guide me.Thank you.
Pet Lover & Health carer said...

First meditate well...
Concentrate on your breath ignoring all other thoughts and never fear for any thing.
Remember that
 * What happens will happen. You cant stop them. Do your work and don't think about results.
 * Read some books like bhagawath geeta and some books of nice quotations
 * The foods you take  should be easily digested and should not cause irritation. Avoid salt oil and fast foods completely.
 * Eat only when you require. Eat less work more. Watch pleasant movies.
 * Eat more fiber food and eat at-least 2 carrots after you eat anything for sure.

B happy and keep smiling always....

For deails to join ashramam follow below link.

About Dr.MANTHENA SATYANARAYANA RAJU and his teachings

all the beat......111

Friday, July 15, 2011

Reason, solution and prevention for heart attack - manthena satyanarayana raju-naturopathy

Heart Attack:

Why Heart attack: Cause:
  As cholesterol increases, our body first seeks to excrete it, if not possible then stores under skin layers.
If the place is filled completely at all places in body, then the cholesterol in blood start to stay in blood vessels itself and fills blood vessels. So blood vessels become thinner and narrow.
Gradually Blood Pressure increases to pump the blood to all our body parts.
In this condition -

If any cholesterol partial blocks the blood vessel due to some cause like anxiety, tensions or any reason which increases your blood pressure, then the walls of blood vessels are highly irritated with flow of blood with high pressure, which causes to breakdown of cholesterol particles stored on walls of vessels and obstruct the blood flow to heart.

This causes Heart Attack.

Main Sources causing heart Attack, Prevention, Solution:
* Eating more than required for enjoyment  and for filling stomach.
Sol:   Eat less as you require a balanced natural food with more fiber.

* Storing wastes and Blocking outputs which all excess materials drains out.
Sol: Drain the waste regularly by passing shit by eating more fiber food and urine by drinking more water.

* Not to give body proper rest to Clean yourselves and to increase immunity.

  • Stop eating by evening 6 o'clock ie., 6pm.
  • Drink water until before half an hour you sleep.
  • Pass shit (Motion or stool) before sleeping and after waking up.
  • Sleep with empty stomach.
  • Take more C-vitamin food like lemon, oranges etc., Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which increases our immunity.
  • Meditate as much as you can but minimum before sleeping and after wake-up.
  • Practice Yoga and regular exercises. This activates third draining or output that is skin. Sweat is the fastest and easiest way of cleaning our body can.

These steps prevent you from heart attack.
Note: Patients do not Practice yoga Or exerciser with high pressure and they have to see    that their blood pressure not increases.

Increase Immunity Very Important


kuumaari said....

my mother get heart attack 1st time,due to late admission in hospital heart is damaged severely ...............is any possibility to heal it naturally without operation
kuumaari@yahoo.com,this is my maild ,plz do answer as early as possible

Follow this article but always take decision of doctor before avoiding operation.
Naturopathy is to improve immunity in you and help you to recover soon. This is to be done by your body it-self so you should be capable to clean yourself.
Always take doctor's suggestion before stepping forward in this serious conditions....

Anonymous said...

my mother has sugar,and she got heartattack after 15 yrs of sugar complaint..............is it possible to heal heart damage naturally
As I consider sugar is not a problem in naturopathy.
Every problem after birth can be cured here max but here the doctor to cure is you. So It depends on your strength....
As I told your choice depends on severity of problem and your mother's capability. Step forward only with doctor's advice.


All the best...!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fever, cold, throat infection, asthma ??? Don't worry here is solution... Check them out in a couple of days.... Increasing immunity steps...

Reason and explanation:

Generally fever, Cold or other infections occurs to indicate you as the impurities in you are high.

 In these cases, suppressing those infections by using medicines then impurities increases and changes to asthma.
Suppressing small infections by using medicines instead of cleaning and draining waste leads to chronic diseases.

Solution: The best solution is to clean the wastes in us then the infections will be killed automatically and it will be very easy to our immune system. hen our body performs repairing operations if required, in our body.

Because the respective bacteria feed on you as the body's resistance will be  busy in draining the waste, If no wastes resistance will be  very high and can protect you    from infections not to enter your body.

* So as impurities increase in you automatically those will be infected.

Example: If you store waste in your  house  then all the insects  like house-fly's and etc will come to waste and feed on them.
* So general infections causes on waste.

Now the waste is to be cleaned then you will be infection  free automatically.But medicines are used to kill the infection and not the infection source (waste).

To clean the wastes: The infection causing bacteria enters in the body if  protection is low. your resistance or immunity is low.
  Example: In Borders army man will protect the country all the time. If the army man sleeps then the terrorists will enter.
In the same  way  resistance or immunity works.

Solution with procedure:

Fasting is the best way to clean yourselves. In this process all the wastes are cleaned out and then body  resistance concentrates on protecting body with full strength.
This works better with pure water because water drains all the waste.

Steps for Fasting:

     1. Now you should Water 'fast' after  cleaning your stomach completely with water twice, by drinking water complete your stomach with water.
     * Note: With empty stomach in  early morning and before sleeping.And pass stool twice or more until the stool is like cow's dung.
     2. Now start drink water and sleep well, concentrate on your breath but don't eat.
   *** Do not think think about food, eating and just concentrate on your immunity by closing eyes or sleep.
     * Water helps you to drain impurities through it.
     * Try to take lemon water to strengthen the process of cleaning. Because lemon is a citrus fruit containing vitamin 'C' which helps to increase immunity power.
     3.If you feel too weak then drink lemon water and lick a spoon of honey on your paw.
     * Honey is also called as oral-saline which mixes directly  in blood and gives you energy.

Sleeping is more important in fasting.

Within 2 days of serious fast you will recover.

Two days fasting is better than suffering weeks...
Fast half a day daily(6pm to 6am)  and increase your immunity very high... Fasting  a day in a week or at-least twice in a month is really good for health to increase immunity.

* Also perform breathing exercises like pranayama and do yoga..... 
Yoga: If you don't use your body parts they wont work efficiently and it is know later in the form of a trouble.
Pranayama: Helps to expand your lungs and activates other internal organs and perform better cleaning operations also.
Anonymous said..

for the last one month, i am suffering with nose block, due to this i am not able to sleep properly. when i consulted the doctor he had given me "NASOCLEAR" and 4 tablets of histamin. it doen't work. can u please .......
July 25, 2011 11:22 AM 

* With empty stomach without  food drink water and sleep or take rest by closing eyes. Be pleasant cool and be completely rested.

For relief:
* Try to inhale water vapor.
* Then sleep by   turning opposite side to blocked nose side, that is., if left nose hole is blocked then turn right side and sleep.
Pavani said..

hi sir,
My son is 3yrs old and going to school,he is frequently effected by cold and cough along with fever which is very severe which is very bothering to us and getting weak
please suggest any remedy .
thank you pavani

August 24, 2011 2:31 PM 
vasavi said...

My sisters 2 year old son is suffering from asthama and his father and his grand mother also have the same problem.Is there any possible solution to relieve him from the same.
Symptoms: Cough,unable to breath, unable to eat food, unable to sleep. Kindly give us a solution and let us know if it is required to admit him in the ashram.Very urgent.

My gmail id- vasavi.vassu13@gmail.com

Thanks & Regards,

Follow this post to get an idea. Do not use medecines for cough  and try to colean by fasting.
Read this post for clear explanation. 
Its good to join in ashramam for better assistancce. Don't worry.
all the best.

All the Best....

 - by Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Sir's Follower PetLover-Prudhvi

Solution for anxiety and stress problems, bloating and IBS, Irregular periods.

Deepu said...


I have anxiety and stress problems. From past 1month i feel hungry a lot, eat food alot and upset my stomach. I have bloating and IBS. And i am tired most of the time. My body pains all the day. By end of day i ,feel horrible. I am not getting my periods too. Doctors said its due to stress.

Can you plz help me how to decrese my appetite and be active. I sleep 7 hours but no use. I am 25.

My email id: dpent2@uis.edu

Don't worry
Your's is a simple problem...

You don't have anxiety. You feel anxiety and stress...

* This may be reason for being more hunger.
* You told that you are eating much but the food you eat is more important because food plays important role in your behavior.

 I think you eat more spicy food congaing less fiber, which takes more time to digest and causes  irritation and anxiety even for small issue. There fore this causes abdominal pain and hormone imbalance which leads you for irregular periods.


* Try to mediate with empty stomach before sleeping and after woke-up.
* Take everything easy and remember that every-thing what happens is only for good. You'll Understand reason later and answers for your inner questions will also be  obtained later for sure
So be cool, Happy and keep smiling always.
* Exercise much. Walking is the best solution for strain and tensions. Walk more by drinking water and not by eating.

* Since the food you take causes stress take easily digested natural food which contains rich FIBER (like carrots and leafy-vegetablesin more quantities. You can even eat fruits happily which are very good for you.

* Avoid spicy and UN-natural food and casual drinks like tea, coffee etc.,
* Eat only when you feel hunger and not for time pass.

* Also drink more water.

So that,
 With natural food and with more water your hormones will be balanced  and you will get regular periods...

You will recover soon.......!!!

All the  Best...
Please comment for further quires.
Thanks for your question......

B.H.V. said...
please suggest ways to control anxiety and depression. my id is bhaskara.harsha@gmail.com

This solution will also help you. All the best.

 - by Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Sir's Follower PetLover-Prudhvi

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Concentrating Perfectly... How to concentrate more... Solution.

Pet Lover & Health carer said...
Concentration should be increased by you.
I'll say how to:

* First of all you should do the work with interest but you shouldn't feel difficulty in doing a work.
* You shouldn't get other thoughts except the work you are doing and you should ingnore everything even your surroundings and you shouldn't be diverted.. You see that  your surroundings are calm without any disturbances.

* Early morning time is the right time to concentrate because there will be no disturbances and you can't diver.
If any other thought arrive

Problems in taking contaminated or stocked water..

Vasudeva Rao Vasa hi is there any problem if we consume water which was stored for more than a week in a plastic bottle (not a company's product).
9 hours ago 

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

Some plastic materials dissolve in water quickly. In such cases you can even identify smell also in some cases

but its not good to take water or food stored for long time.... because if its stored then bacteria forms and germs are created in  them... If you drink polluted water then you will be polluted but if you have resistance to that virus then it wont  cause any harm to you but its of nno use because the polluted water is draining the pollution in it but not the waste in your body...

So if you drink fresh  water it can be used to drain the waste from your body or to your body's use.... but if you drink water with wastes then it drains its own wastes and cannot be useful to body maintenance.....

Take fresh water and if you drink water from open source then drink the water on top most layers only because the impurities in water settles down....


* Not to store more than 1.1/2 day.
* Use sterilized bottles.

All the best and thanks for your question...

Back Pain - Causes & Solution - Manthena Satyanarayana Raju - Naturopathy

Anonymous said...

i am siri, 24 years old,married
i am having back pain.....often
plz tell me how to overcome this....

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

Back Pains are caused due to:

   * Sitting in same position for long period.
   * Lac of Lubrication between bones:

Reason & Solution:

* Lac of Lubrication in bones:
   * On usage water in body is decreased and additional water is required. Due to lac of water the friction between bones are decreased and cause problems.
   * If the waste in the body has no source to be excreted then it will be stored in body itself to maintain the blood healthy. So these wastes are mainly stored in bone joints. The most common waste found in humans are salts in excess levels. These salts in joints destroys the Cartesian fluid which is helpful for lubrication in bones.So in usage pains are caused.

   * Water should be taken periodically to maintain the body to work perfectly.So take water periodically and clean your body to to add new wastes.
   * So daily excrete stool and more urine should be drained out  by carrying wastes. So  proper rest is needed to maintain the body perfectly.
   * Sweat  is also a mean for excretion so drink water
   * The excess water is also excreted by carrying wastes and to add wastes to the water you have to increase your resistance so take citrus food like lemon's oranges etc.,.

* Sitting in same position for long time:

Reason: By sitting in same position for long time the bones or muscles will be strained and causes pain. On sudden usage they will be strained more.
Solution: So its necessary to be  relaxed on any work at-least for half-an-hopur by walking for a min and doing light exercises to be free.

* Also Increase body resistance to have a healthy body.http://manthenasatyanarayanaraju.blogspot.com/2010/02/health-tips.html.

All the best.....
For any further doubts Please comment below.....