Process of healthy body - High Blood Pressure (B.P) & All other health Problems, Cleansing body
Cause of Problem:
This is most common problem in our country.Due to high usage of salts for taste.In older days they used to take salts as pickles but they are hard workers and the excess salt which was taken by them was drained out easily and regularly in the form of sweat. So they remain healthy.
But now a days people take the waste for taste but they are not excreting them well, so the problems arise.....
Health = (Proper inputs += Proper Outputs)
So the excess salts and oils in the body are wastes for body. These wastes in blood settles in blood vessels and decreases the volume of the blood vessel. So heart need to pump the blood with more pressure to serve the blood to various parts of body. So blood pressure increases so strain on heart increases, since heart is responsible to pump the blood.
If this pressure increases then symptoms arrive showing the disability.
Now, cleaning should begin to excrete all the wastes causing high Blood-Pressure.
Mostly this problem is due to the excess salts which are stored in various regions of the body which cannot be excreted.
* If you excrete all the wastes stored in you the you will be free from this problem.
Sources for excretion: Sweat, Urine and Stool (Motion).
These three outputs should work more active to make you free from this problem and many several related problems.
Procedure to Excrete wastes and to be cured from high blood pressure:
* Sweat: This is an easy way to excrete excess salts. So drink more water daily with empty stomach (Without food) also use 2 or 3 lemons juice mixed in water and exercise more so that sweat goes out from your body.
Empty stomach and lemon water are to strengthen the process of cleaning that is excretion of wastes.
This is the process of excreting through sweat and this work efficiently in early times.
* Urine: Drink more water mixed with lemons like above when not working hardly with body and pass urine more so that the wastes are drained out through urine.
* Stool: This is also one of the main source of excretion. Excrete it periodicxally ie., 2 times a day in early morning and in the evening by drinking more water at-least 2 liters and more that your capacity then it causes vomiting sensation followed by a free stool. So pass stool in this procedure twice a time. ie., morning 2 times and evening two times.
* Keep your body active with water more the time and not with food.
* 6 hours max for digestion of food is more than enough in a day. So Eat twice a day max and if its once it will be wonderful.
Food Plays important role for helping in excretion of wastes and to import wastes.So the food you eat is very important.
The food you eat should be fresh creating less harmful waste and the wastes should be excreted easily.
* So the food must contain more fiber and less wastes. So the food must contain more leafy-vegetables and fruits which contain more fiber to excrete waste easily. By helping you to pass free motion or stool.
* The food you take must be alive. So Raw food like fruits, vegetables should be taken in more quantity,
Eat healthy food and live healthy.
* Avoid non-vegetarian foods, spicy foods and other junk foods. Because they contain more salts. more dead cells due to cooking and the also leads to hormone imbalance.More un-healthy wastes are produced by these foods which increases the problems.
* Stop eating by 6 pm evening. This is useful to increase the resistance or immunity power. Because if you stop eating then the digestive system not works then in that time you body concentrates on cleaning wastes from your body and repairing dead cells and to re-place them.
So Increase immunity first.
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Increase immunity to make the process of cleaning more effective.
Anonymous said..
All the best... Be Healthy and live healthy.