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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

problems of not passing regular stool Knee pains, joint pains, sound in knees solution arthritics or romatied arthritics - Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Naturopathy teachings

problems of not passing regular stool Knee pains, joint pains, sound in knees solution arthritics or romatied arthritics

* un-necessary rashes and pimples are also caused because of this big waste carrying in our body.
* Bad smells are also released from us through mouth, gas, urine and by stool.
* muscle pains are also caused.
* Body immunity decreases to a large extent.

Knee pains and joint pains are caused of:

* Due to lac of water in cartilage between joints
Solution: * Drink more water and pass stool regularly twice a day or else all the water is lost to maintain the stool and water in body decreases.
 * Try to avoid salt and if water is taken more salt effect is decreased.

This is common cause for most humans with joint pains.........

all the best....!!!

 - by Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Sir's Follower PetLover-Prudhvi

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