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Friday, January 21, 2011

manthana satyanarayana baby food tips -- Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Naturopathy teachings

Baby's food should be easy digestive and diet should be highly nutritious.
So baby should be taken all types of foods but its not possible as baby cant digest hard foods.

milk drinking child:
child's nutrition or energy source is child's mother. So the child's mother should take a rich nutritious food, proteins and all food supplements should be contained in the  food taken by mother.

food taking child:
The food is to give is sprouts which contains high growing energy for growing child. But a baby cannot digest sprouts so
* 1 or 2 types of sprouts should be soaked for two or three days to be grown well
* and they should be grinned well which a paste is obtained | To get a powder soaked sprouts are to be dried in sun and should be grinned.
* Before serving to child the grinned powder should be mixed with pasted dates ( khajur).
* Dates should be soaked well in water for about 2 hours and can be easily pasted with hands.
* the powdered or pasted grown sprouts  are mixed with dates paste and the nutritious healthy food is ready for baby and also for adults

* better to add some grinned  Nuvvulu Podi (Sesame Seed Powder) for calcium and some leafy vegetables for fiber.

Anonymous said...
hi sir ,i have a query about diet for baby boy of 8 months old what food should i feed him? please let me know ..my email id is sravanthi_m @ymail.com
Pet Lover & Health carer said...

Better wait for another 2-3 months for feeding, until they start growing teeth and till then and ever mother milk is better than anything else. Until then mother should eat more calcium and fiber foods.

more fiber foods are needed because baby's mostly suffer from tight and loose motions.
* Foods like fruits pulp or inside other than outer shield because they contain chemicals. 
* Soaked and pasted dates are to be giver slowly to fulfill iron requirements. 
* For calcium soak and paste well sea-some seeds or leafs like curry leaves paste mixed with dates paste for taste.
* Carrot's juice is also to be given and paste is also useful.
* water should be given periodically.

* warm water with a full bottle is to be given to the child after he wake's up. It fulfills water requirements and perform cleaning operations and helps  for free motion.

Avoid sugar food and sugar content because they mostly suffer's with cold.
, calcium

Any more doubts? Please comment. You are always welcome.
All the best...


Naseera begum said...
Hi sir ,my name is naseera iam 21old 70kg & iam folling your diet & yogasana to reduce my weight for stomach & back at the same time iam trying for a baby also. so in this time can i do the yogasana its ok or i should stop this to became pregnant! please let me know...my email ID is naseerabegum15@gmail.com
Thank u.
Pet Lover & Health carer said...

Yes absolutely you can do yoga. But only light exercises of yoga for  hands, legs and see that never keep pressure on stomach.
Until 4 months you can do maximum.After that you have to be very careful and always do light exercises. Drink water periodically must and you should eat healthy natural food.
Do walking and light exercises to be fit and healthy.

details can be found above.

Do everything on your own comfortableness, but never do hard works.Better consult and take efficient's suggestion in sensitive cases. I am not manthena satyanarayana raju sir and i am his follower. Better take msr sir's advice.
   - by Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Sir's Follower PetLover


  1. i want to know is dates are given to 1 year old baby

  2. Not necessary....

    As a baby get all food from mother by feeding milk mother should be eaten rich iron food like dates

    So if mother eats them and baby do-sent need to eat....

    But iron is essential for the baby...

  3. My daughter is pregnant running 4th month. She is under care of gynecologist. She is having piles problem and bleeding blood every time during the motions. Doctor has given some medicines but bleeding is not under control. I wanted to give milk with lime juice in the morning which may cure piles. Please advise me whether she can have milk with lime juice during the pregnancy or you will advice some other medicines.
    Email: jaganmohank2011@gmail.com
    Mobile: 9491869810 / 27062567

  4. Click Here for piles problem of yours... Comment  either at one place... I will answer you. Thank-you

  5. Hi ,

    What food shall I feed for my 6 months old baby boy?


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