For providing nutrition for the body to grow.
* Eating healthy food containing proteins and calcium. So eat sprouts with ground nuts, wheat, green peas and etc as I say.
For calcium eat leafy-vegetables and many leaves like curry leaves means kottimers, tamalapaaku and other leaves. Also take nuvvulu powder or paste which contains rich calcium.
To Increase hemoglobin levels which are like vehicles to distribute the nutrition to various parts of body through blood.
* TAKE WHEAT GRAM JUICE which can be prepared easily as i told and when not available take vegetable juice with more carrots etc in morning.
Now you should use the body and let the body to know that you want to increase height by playing few games like volly-ball, taking pull ups, tadasana also helps you more.

* ALSO practice running.
Also meditate with breathing exercises....
Try. All the Best.
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 1:32 PM, venkatarao chennupalli wrote:
respected sir,
my name is venkat rao , i have been following mantena sir health tips for 4 years. now i am going to coaching for S.I posts but i dont have sufficient height, i have to grow 1cm in two months, my present age & height is25years and height is 5.6 feet. so sir can you give any tips for me.please forward tips through this mail.thanking you sir,with regardsvenkat rao
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