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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lac of eye rest solution and improving eye sight - Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Teachings in natureopathy

priyanka said...

hi..iam staying at USA, my husband is working as a software engineer. usually he spends his complete time(around 18 hours a day) with computer. so he is very much tired in the evening times and he is using contact lenses to his eyes. so how can i help to my huband? which type of food should i give to my hubend? how should i take care of my husbend eyes? plz help me with good suggestions.thanqu.
June 1, 2011 3:55 PM

Pet Lover & Health carer said...

very good all the best madam and your husband is lac of rest... Mainly to his eyes...

In working days: He should sleep as much as possible with giving completely rest to his body while sleeping... i.e; His digestive system should also be empty while sleeping and its better to eat food which are more useful to his eyes and avoid time-pass spicy junk foods.
* breakfast with sprouts like groundnuts and etc nuts making as sprouts and should be eaten because more healthy living food are these live foods with rich vitamins.
* take leafy vegetables and carrots in more quantity (raw food which are cleaned purely or secondary is boiled food)
* take more 'A' vitamin foods like carrots and leafy vegetables.
* Drink more water. 4-5 liters per day
* Practice eye exercises to see near objects and distant objects for about 3 mins minimum for half an hour at least. Relax and wash your eyes with cool water periodically and do some neck exercises.
* Stop eating after six in evening and give rest to his body but let him drink water until he sleep periodically...
* eat citrus fruits and food like oranges and at-least 6 lemons per day and honey for energy before sleep and during work after 6pm for energy and pass stool twice a day regularly morning and evening 2 times each session by drinking more water.
* Avoid: salt completely or maximum as much as you can to increase resistance, non-veg, oil.

in holidays: Ask your husband to sleep in weekends. I think saturday and sunday Your hus got two days which are to be utilized completely... sleep with complete rest is more important. Complete in sense externally and internally including digestive system and better to past once a week with lemon water and honey.

*** do not eat after 6pm.

All the best . . . !!!
Be healthy and live happy always...

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