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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Height increasing tips

aruna said...
My height is 5'2" and i want to increase my height by 2 inches atleast..I am 19 years old and will turn 20 by next january.can u suggest me the diet i have to take daily.My parents insist me to practice breathing exercises rather than doing asanas.which way it will help me to grow tall??

PetLover-Manthena satyanarayana raju sir's follower

diet: fiber food for health like carrots n leafy vegetables which helps you for free motion. Pass daily motion properly.
Provide proper requirements like calcium n proteins where calcium is present in leafy vegetables and you need to eat protein content like sprouts cereals and all nuts.

Also exercise much like walking which is best and beneficial and proved for growth in many cases. Also works to refresh you in many views. SO ALSO WALK MORE.

In order practice meditation and breathing exercises and yoga.
Different growth related exercises available in yoga also try to practice.

height increasing exercises or yoga of baba ram dev sir

Friday, October 14, 2011

Eye sight decreasing tips

    • Nalla Suja how can i reduce my eye sight
      3 hours ago · 

    • Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Garu - Naturopathy - Ask your questions here give more rest to eyes by sleeping at-least 8-hrs with no food in stomach and no problem of water and its also good.
      dont strain ur eyes
      do eye exercises like seeing distant objects and closer objects frequently........ without seeing a single distant objects....
      also practice meditation and yoga......

      All the best........

      2 minutes ago · 

Complete and brief explanation about eye sight including diet. Click Here 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

skin boil or seggada solution

    • Sirisha Rahul Kumar Dora sir i am ur follower i am getting segageddalu dese days i am taking all d precautions bt can u suggest me a remedy....
      7 hours ago ·

    • Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Garu - Naturopathy - Ask your questions here

       seggada solution


      * you are not passing stool regularly.
      * means you are taking more salts and junk foods which contain more salt, oil etc wastes......

      Simple and exact solution
      * Eat more fiber foods... like carrots and leafy-vegetables.
      * avoid junk, spicy and fry foods.
      * Pass stool regularly and periodically.
      * Drink more water and go to urine...

      When wastes in you are increased, these problems arise.
      Clean Your-selves

      a few seconds ago ·

  • Sirisha Rahul Kumar Dora sir i wil not take junk food.... its been some years i am far away to it.... i am following your diet but not complete saltless in curries and daal.... its paining a lot....
    Thursday at 5:29pm ·

  • Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Garu - Naturopathy - Ask your questions here ya..... K.. I means waste in you is not drained properly.... so Pass stool regularly and drink more water...... also exercise.. :-)
    Thursday at 7:34pm ·

  • Sirisha Rahul Kumar Dora thank u... i wil do yoga every day..... i have a problem in passing stool i feel like stool is coming but it will not come after a longtime it wil come but not freely.... is dere any shop of urs in pune ....
    Yesterday at 3:02pm ·

  • Manthena Satyanarayana Raju Garu - Naturopathy - Ask your questions here see that is why i told you to eat more fiber food and pass stool by drinking water
    main in night while sleeping during a glass of water and sleep....... if required drink again.... so that you can pass stool free in morning
    all the best......


Unknown said...
Sir how to know wether the particular thing as seggadda or not

It will be red in color.
In more cases white fluid comes out from the center of it.
It pains when pressed......

It sizes from 1cm and above.

Monday, October 10, 2011

disc bulge

KumarM said...
Hello sir,

My friend suffered with back pain with the disc herniation and already met with surgery 2 years before. Till april 2011 she was fine with no problems and now again started back pain and doctor told its a disc bulge for other disc. Now she is under complete bed rest. she met many doctors to get cure of this problem but still she is suffering with the back pain sometimes leg pain too. i have suggested to maintain diet by taking honey+water+lemon regularly(every 30 minutes half glass) for atleast 3 days and in the evening fruits but i'm not sure whether it is okay or not..please guide me to reduce disc bulge with an effective solution and i would be very thankful for your response in advance

my email id: rohit2343@yahoo.co.in

Please provide the solution ASAP

Thank You,

PetLover's answer
This problem is caused due to many reasons mainly lac of exercise and usage of body.
now in this position ask her also to
* Give rest for 12 hours by not eating any thing in night after 6pm
* Just ask her to sleep by drinking water. Lemon water is also good. In this way our body will cure the problem.
Note: Her stool should be empty regularly and very periodically. Because stool in our body decreases our immunity in very high amounts.

* Her diet must contain vegetables, fruits in huge extent. Only natural food which can be absorbed easily. for blood carrots and wheat grass juice is also to be given.
* More water should be taken.
* Salt and oil should be avoided.
* Fried foods and non-veg items should be avoided.

* Ask her to fast for at-least a day in a week

* Her body should be clean and fresh, so that her body has enough power to repair herself.

Also consult a good doctor in severe conditions. And for more detailed answer consult Dr.Manthena Satyanarayana Raju sir.
Suggested in these severe conditions.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Un-Wanted Hair on body. How to get rid of hormone imbalance.

Anonymous said...
Hi sir... iam madhumitha, age 20. i have unwanted hair on my whole body. am feeling very shy and my parents are in thoughts of my marraiage.please understand my pain.and i hope u will give u a best suggestion for me... please sir.. help me
Pet Lover & Health carer said...
.Sorry for late reply....

Cause: This unwanted hair is due to heavy hormone imbalance... Its most common now a days. This Problem may vanish after marriage but better follow my instructions.....

Note that this hair was grown slowly after long time and so it takes long time get rid of it...
You Please to be patient.

This problem is commonly seen in candidates with these habits like 
 * eating junk foods and fast food like samosa, burger, etc and also eating spicy foods....  Chocolates and etc..
 * Eating non-veg foods.
 * drinking less water 
 * not passing shit completely and regularly (leads to cause pimples and etc)
 * not exercising at all regularly causing sweat.......

So Rectify them soon....

Solution: First You have to clear your hormone imbalance by

* Stop  eating junk foods and fast food like samosa, burger, etc and also stop eating spicy foods....  Chocolates and etc..
* Stop eating non-vegetarian foods.
* Drink more water.
* pass shit completely and regularly by drinking more water in morning time or by some other way but passing shit two times at-least a day is very important.
Eat more fiber food which helps you to pass shit more free. Like carrots , leafy-vegetables etc.
* exercising more regularly,  causing sweat....... This can be done with exercising after drinking water.

* Sleep more by drinking water with empty stomach. 
* eat less...
* Sleep more at-least 8 hrs a day with giving complete rest to body. That is to sleep without food in stomach but water in body is required to excrete wastes.
* Exercise and try to practice yoga before and after sleep.

Proper and equal inputs and outputs equals to health...

You may feel scared of seeing all these but try to implement them slowly but do not quit.
You can see the difference your self. compare your diet with others diet who is not having this problem.

All The Best.....

Anonymous said...
Although I have utmost respect for what is mentioned above for a very good health, I doubt this is the solution for getting rid of unwanted body hair. It is also genetic and I have seen some times this is being passed on to some child(ren) and not all. All the children eat same food at home, so where is variation in diet? Some kids show signs of hair growth much early, which kids feel sad about then and later in life.
On other hand, I have heard turmeric is a deterrant to hair growth. Does it help apply its paste on the body for some time and take shower on regular intervals, say once a week or two. Or are there any other methods? Please advice.
Pet Lover & Health carer said...
Okay... This is also hereditary by which a root caused this problem and may transmit... and I never told its not...
U also asked that child's eat same diet but this problem is seen in some children only. That's true and it has many reasons and its not only depends on hereditary. This includes many factors like their habits like drinking water activities like playing, food they consume more and many even the same kind of food varieties provided for children

So we can't consider few facts and blame our problems on hereditary. Remember that hereditary is also caused to some parent without hereditary and due to hormone imbalance from the root.

We need to stop the hair growth from our body. Turmeric and some other materials are pasted and forms nalugu pindi, sunni pindi or bath powder is prepared to remove the hair on skin manually and after removing the hair it grows up again and again.....

So we need to stop the UN-wanted hair-growth form the body and this takes bit time depending on you.

Work hard for best results faster
Correct the hormone imbalance...
Even hereditary be natural and follow my above instructions to have better results...

Applying turmeric or some other help us just to remove hair at that  point of time for occasions and etc... 
Kill the root causing problem and be healthy.

thank-you for your reply and for expressing your doubts. You are most welcomed....

All the Best....